Fernando Torres
Cesc Fabregas David Villa
Sergio Ramos
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Viva La Espanol!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Little Girl! 8D
Monday, June 23, 2008
Tagged by Niro!
#1 If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
I'll slap him, yell at him, kick him, say LOSER DOUBLE LOSER TWIST TWIST KISS THIS, say BYE BYE and then, break up. Duh! haha
#2 if you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
Do well in all my exams and meet the Jonas Brothers and then live with them in their *whatever* kinda house. hehe
#3 what will your dream wedding be like?
Okay, this is hard. I've never really thought about it. Most probably in Hawaii at the seaside with Nick Jonas. hehe
#4 are you confused as to what lies ahead of you?
Not really. No.
#5 what's your ideal lover like?
Why must I say? You think of it yourself, you'll find out somehow. I prefer someone like Nick Jonas. hehe
#6 which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
In my opinion - both. 8D
#7 how long do you intend to wait for someone u really love?
This, i seriously dont know. so, loser double loser, twist twist, kiss this!!! hahahaha..if you're wondering what i just said - dont even think of thinking about it. haha
#8 if the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
I guess I'll just wait and wait and wait until I dont like him anymore. haha
#9 is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
Nopey. Im seriously a happy person! Until I became insane!!! hahaha
#10 is being tagged fun?
I guess, sometimes - like now, im too lazy but just do for fun. hehe
#11 how do you see yourself in ten years time?
3 words. With Nick Jonas. haha. Maybe on the Hollywood Red Carpet, owh im dreaming. haha
#12 who are currently the most important people to you?
Family. Nick Jonas. Friends.
#13 what kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
Niro! She is very friendly, kind and fun! hahaha ooo i missed out funneh(funny)!
#14 would you rather be single & rich or married but poor?
I certainly do NOT want to be poor. Super Rich will do. haha. With Nick Jonas. haha.
#15 what's the first thing you do every morning?
Wakey wakey. Rise and shine! haha
#16 would you give all in a relationship?
Only one person knows. GOD. haha. even i dont know.
#17 if you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?None. I'll go for Nick Jonas. If he's the one, ill pick him. Duh! haha
#18 what type of friends do you like?
Friends like Nicole, Sarah Thong(from church) and my 5 closes friends from 2 Amanah - just notice them and you'll know what friends i like. hehe
#19 what type of friends do you dislike?
Copycats. Backstabbers. Liars. People who look down at others. No heart.
I tag; Sheng, Hui Min, Tessa, Michelle, Hana, Fayra and if i forgot anyone of you - just do this! haha
Friday, June 20, 2008
=) - Happy Birthday to you! Not you! You!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
New names and kinda like Couples of the Year! haha
Okay, first we have new names:
1) Ho Li Drew
2) An Ho Li
3) Niya - not so new
4) Priren
Then, the couples of the year. Sorry only got two.
1) Andrew Chia and Ho Li Ann - Ho Li Drew
2) Niren Kumar and Priya Reshma - Niya
And the winner is!!!!!
Both of them!!!! hahaha
I was just joking. So NO HEART FEELINGS! haha
Next, is the things that happened in school today:
1) Chung Shin and Re Pli Ka lied to us that they are not staying back. Naughty, naughty.
2) Sheng Juen said idiOt(pronuncing the 'o' as 'o' instead of the 'o' as 'e'. haha
3) Andrew sweared that he liked, no loved Li Ann. Just kidding.
4) Some people broke Carissa's Tupperware bottle.
5) I was the ODD one. Lynette says so. But i think i was SPECIAL and KING-LIKE. Because i was the only one wearing Orchestra Uniform - excluding LkS.
6) We kinda liked SNEAKED into the primary school to have a look but there were so many other secondarians there too. haha
7) The 'Driving Queens' pitched a tent and played in it. haha
8) Andrew SNEAKED into Orchestra Club to see his future wife. haha
9) We forced Andrew to play the piano for us. WOW! He is good! He played very,very, very, i mean, very fast. haha
10) Carissa played the piano too. For the exam, she's playing all the exact same song as i am too! What a coincidence! haha
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Church camp...
Whoa, I am exausted. Just came back from my church day camp. It was fun. We had a 'concert' by the SOY Group, I guess. They are mainly youths. Some music ministry. I have to admit, they were real good. haha. Nicole, Charlotte, Sarah and I were jumping in the 'concert' like crazy people. haha. And guess what? This youth group is having some dinner on the 21st June and we are invited! haha. We MAY go. Only MAY. I may NOT because I have Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus Best of Both World Concerts to watch. I wish this wasnt a day camp but a WEEKEND camp. haha. Anyway, I got to go now - get ready for school and watch TV first. haha. Cyah!
Vanessa Jonas
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Anis and Nabihah!!! haha..Caught In Action! CIA? haha
Ximen(the massager) and Tracie(the customer)..so geng ah Xi men!!! haha
Baby Sheng. OmG! She is sooo cute! haha
Guys Under-18! Cool start! Spot Desmond?
She was a very good friend(infront me)..not exactly, i didnt like her at all...She has done a lot of evil things behind my back. She was infamous at first and because of certain reasons she became famous. She always lie when she's with me. She betrayed me. She is just super jealous of me. I know that. She loves to be what people are. She doesnt have a mind of her own. She's a wanna-be but she just dont realise she cant be it. She thinks she's so hot and is liked by everybody. She thinks she's so pretty and she's ALL-THAT but she's not. She is now a very, very old friend. She was my ever best friend from the time we were little. I thought she was a good person inside and outside but now I know we can't judge a book by it's cover. I realised my mistake for becoming close friend's with her. I am now regretting but it's too late. We are no longer BFFs from the age of 6 but sometimes i think of the wonderful times we spent together. I know now I have to finally forget her and move on. If you wanna know who is this person, her name spells six letters. And her name is Ashley D.
Monday, June 9, 2008
My Birthday List *Check to see if you're playing an important part in my life or not..haha
If I celebrate my birthday...only if...i didnt say which year it may be this year or my Sweet 16 or my 21st birthday....this is the list of people that I wanna invite. So people, get ready for some invititations either by mouth or cards...whatever!
*Note: Starting from the top is the most important to the least importante. Sorry if I hurt your feelings saying that you're not important. All of you ARE, it depends who am i closer with. But for really, really close friends I mix you up cos' i have no idea who to put first. haha.
- Nick Jonas (Duh! It's a must. haha)
- The rest of the Jonas' team (Joe and Kevin Jonas. duh! If 1 is invited of course the other 2 is a must too, isnt it?)
- Ivy (She is a Jonasian too, like me..haha)
- Tessa (She is my bestie, and AI fan too and Castroian..haha)
- Kwai See (Of course this little girl must be in the list, she sits beside me in class and she goes through everything with me..haha)
- Shengie Juen ( Duh! The cutest person and the friendliest person and the strongest person must come to my PARTY.haha.
- Chung Shin - of course Retards must be in the list
- Rebecca - this one, *haihz*, this one ah, another Retard..of course must! This one also goes with the name - 'Ah Pek Jennifer Re Pli Ka'...hahahahaaha
- Rou Yiing - this one - I dont know her 'name', so nvm...She's definitely invited!
- The One and Only Almighty King Xi Men - Oh hail King Xi Men, oh Hail!!!!
- Shalini - she looks nice with her new hairstyle now, of course she has to come! haha
- Ee Lin - She comes from the WEI group...haha
- Priya - this one went for Honeymoon with Niren, it's of course a must!! haha...im just kidding...no heart feelings, Niren and Priya...haha
That's it for now....I have more but I cant think of it now, so the rest just wait and keep on checking for your name....haha
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Happiest Day of the Holidays!
Yesterday, I went to Amcorp Mall..Got nothing much to shop there so i stopped by at a magazine store and I was searching for the Galaxy (only Trisha knws why)..haha..They didnt have the Galaxy...what is wrong with them?? haha..But i didnt need it..At first glance, I saw another magazine...The front page was the Jonas Brothers!! I asked my mum if i could get it, and she said 'sure!'..At that moment, my heart was jumping for joy! And at another glance I saw another magazine saying I LOVE NICK! I asked my mum if i could get tht too, and she said 'no!', she said only ONE! I said 'pls,pls,pls' and she said 'alright'...haha...And in that magazine, I got ALL the Disney actors/actress/singers address, i could write to them anytime i want to! haha..And I could also win a 'T' signed by the JoBros and also (this is the best) win a date with Nick! how cool is that?? haha..But i wanted another magazine - some celeb one..They have 50 HOT pictures of Nick..but i couldnt find it..nvm..Now i have SOOOOO many huge posters of the JoBros and ALL Disney's..haha...I am very happy! haha..And i also did a quiz, thy say i am a PERFECT MATCH with Nick! haha...Im nuts!
PS: Trisha, i dont need that poster of Nick! Thanks, btw! haha..
tagged by Trisha
Instructions: Add in your personal question make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 ppl in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged.
1. At what age do you wish to marry? 14..with Nick Jonas...Just kidding...maybe 28 with Nick Jonas too? God knows if i even get married...haha
2. Where will you go if someone sponsors you a tour ticket? Owh this is a nice one...HOLLYWOOD, babe...and meet all the STARS especially the JoBros...lol
3. If you could have one word that'll describe your mood right now, what would it be? HAPPY, HAPPY AND HAPPY....tht's 3, i knw...haha...
4. Do you think money can buy happiness? NEVER!
5. If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be? This is definitely a GOOD question...I wanna meet the JoBros and after I meet them they will let me sing with them (if i can) and later on I'll be a POP STAR and you'll see me on MTV..haha
6. Do you believe you can survive without money? Maybe, but not really, we have to eat the rubbish like RATS if we wanna survive....In this era, ooo im smelling a no...
7. What are you afraid to lose the most? Family first, duh! Second, Nicky! haha
8. If you win $1 million, what would you do? Put half in the bank for my education...AND spend the other half...eg: GO TO HOLLYWOOD! =)
9. How would you describe the person u like *at the moment*? HOT...CUTE...FUNNY...And it is Nick Jonas...haha
10. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you? Owh this is tough..there's a little too little..JUST KIDDING, TRISHA...NO HEART FEELINGS...let's see...She's cute (baby cute), hugable and maybe...Heart-throb of certain guys?? sorry.haha
11. What are the requirements that you wish from the other half? Other half??? I am ONE in a million..haha
12. What's your ambition? Charted accountant? for real, im not really sure.
13. If you can teleport once, where would you go? Most likely, everywhere! haha
14. What do you think is the most important thing study or love? Study! If you want Love, FAMILY love will do but NOT girl-guy/guy-guy/girl-girl love...haha
15. If you could undo doing one mistake in the past, what would it be? I cant remember any of my mistakes..Im kinda old...hahaha
16. If you have a chance, which part of your character would you like to change? None of 'em. I am who I am and no one's gonna change that...lols
17. What music have you been listening to recently? Pop, rock...The JoBro's??? haha
18. What is the one thing you cannot do but you wish you could? To sing like Mariah Carey (i can sing but not as good as her,haha) and maybe to speak 45 languages like Shakira...haha...That's 2 , i know...
19. Is Yao Bang a gud guy? Who on earth is Yao Bang?? If you ask me Nick Jonas..ill say owh definitely...haha
20. define "hot". Two words - Nick Jonas...haha
21. Who is/are the most important person/people in your life right now? Family! Nick Jonas can be too..haha
22 . complete the sentence " I think he/she is .... I think he is singing and thinking 'bout me! haha...Tht person refers to 'u knw who'..Mr. Jonas..haha
I tag :
Trisha - tag you back..haha Tessa Hana - who cannot have my Nicky..haha Carissa Sheng Juen Fayra Sara Gwen
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
You've gotta watch these videos!!!! It's funny and at the same time un-understandable....haha
Nick Jonas Show
Your daily Dose of Jonas
Another Funny one!!! haha
What About Now???
a. Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, etc on shuffle.
b. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
d. Put any comments in brackets after the song name
.e. Put this on your blog.
1. If someone says,"Is this okay?"
Kids of the future - Jonas Brothers (wht is the connection?..haha)
2. How would you describe yourself?
Year 3000 - Jonas Brothers (definitely!!! awesome!!! haha)
3. What do you like in a guy/girl?
Four minutes - Madonna ft Justin Timberlakey ( four minutes??)
4. How do you feel today?
Stop and Stare - One Republic (no, i dont feel like stopping and staring, im feeling it's shopping time!!!!! haha)
5. What is your life's purpose?
Girl of my dreams - Jonas Brothers ( I am NOT lesbian, haha)
6. What is your motto?
S.O.S - Jonas Brothers (hell yeah!!! Call for help!!!! ???? maybe...)
7. What do your friends think of you?
Always be my baby - David Cook (huh?? maybe Nick Jonas will always be my baby??? haha)
8. What do you think of your parents?
Wont go home without you - Maroon 5 ( great!!! of course i wont go home without my parents!!!! i LIKE my player..haha)
9. What do you think about very often?
I wanna be like you - Jonas Brothers (i think about Jonas Brothers a lot but not BEING LIKE YOU...HAHA)
10. What is 2+2?
Hallelujah - Jason Castro (cool!!!)
11. What do you think of your best friend?
Beat it - Fall out Boys ft John Mayer ( Best friend - Tessa - dont think so she likes to BEAT..haha)
12. What do you think of the person you like?
Michelle - Jason Castro (huh??? i like,no,love Nick Jonas but....Michelle??)
13. What is your life?
Imagine - David Archuleta ( oooh baby...the player is getting smart!!! I certainly do imagine, sometimes maybe a little too much..haha..My imagination is mainly about Nicky!!! lol)
14. What do you want to be when you grow up?
Island In The Sun - Weezer ( ???? I dont wanna be an island nor a sun..lol)
15. What do you think of when you see the person you like?
Heartbeat - Scouting for girls (oooo...this makes a little sense cos' when i see Nicky i get goosebumps which has a little connection with heartbeats..maybe my heartbeat rises??)
16. What will you dance to at your wedding?
See you again - Miley cyrus (ooo..rockin!!! I'm NOT old-fashioned..haha)
17. What will they play at your funeral?
Touch my body - Mariah Carey (cool!!! haha...It definitely wont be a SAD funeral)
18. What is your hobby/interest?
Time for me to fly - Jonas Brothers ( yeah!!! my hobby/interest is flying!!!! yeeee-hah!!!! haha)
19. What is your biggest fear?
The time of my life - David Cook (erm, ppl...the time of my life is NOT fearful..haha)
20. What is your biggest secret?
With You - Chris Brown (hell yeah!!! My biggest secret is being with you and the YOU is NICK JONAS!!!! haha)
21. What do you think of your friends?
American Boy - Kanye West ft. Estelle ( my friends dnt really like American Boys, only i do..lols)
22. What will you post this as?
What about now - Chris Daughtry (cool!)
23. What song would you play during your first time having sex?
6 minutes - JOnas Brothers (hahahahahahaaha..sounds sooo wrong...and DISGUSTING!!!!)
8 people to taG:
- Sheng Juen
- Kyeli
- Tessa (if she's still blogging)
- Rebecca
- Jia Yi
- Sara
- Yuki
- Mokky
PS: Trisha took the ppl i wanna tag...so have to tag these ppl...haha...not tht you guys i tagged are not important....ok, no heart feelings...
PS2: haha...Most of my songs are Jonas Brothers!!!!! woooooo!!!! haha..
PS3: This is not exactly correct cos'..my player(ARES) couldnt shuffle...so its just my PLAYLIST...haha
Monday, June 2, 2008
2 in 1: Just rottening...and How Americans Talk
1st post: Just rottening...
What am i doing during my holidays?? Just rottening... I do nothing but watch TV, surf the net and shopping!!!! haha. Ooooh yeah two more things, eating and going for dance classes! haha. I am just soooo bored I rather go back to school but I prefer if there are no teachers in class...We just sit and talk, talk and talk more...lol..That's life in the city...
2nd post: How Americans Talk
During my very, very, very exciting, fascinating, awesome, great holidays, I spent a lot of time with Americans from Kansas City (David Cooks hometown). My mum wanted me to get used to them since I am going to migrate there someday. haha. It was indeed very cool. They speak POWERPACK English unlike us(Duh! Americans! and No offence!). haha. They use words such as awesome, fascinating, great, i bet, you bet, wonderful and many more I cant think of right now. I am not that dumb but sometimes my brain takes around 30seconds to process what they are saying because of their wonderful slang. Even they sometimes can't understand OUR Malaysiany slang. haha.
P.S: Since I am using all these fascinating words, I am getting there aren't I??? haha. Just kidding.
Pavillion....A building on a playing field
That's the meaning of our ever so huge shopping mall which is so empty at the stores and so crowded at the restaurants. What a place, huh??? I went there yesterday to look around. Got the Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus Best of Both Worlds 3D Concert specs. My dad took 4 of them, like I'm gonna wear all four of 'em. haha. My sis can accompany me since she will be done with a exams then. haha. She says she's too old for Hannah Montana, well I admit she is, but I'm gonna force her to watch. haha. Evil me. Anyway, the main reason I'm gonna watch it is because it's featuring the Jonas Brothers!!!! haha. I love them... Especially Nicky!!! haha. Ooooh and guess who i saw in Pavy??? Chung Shin and Chung Shiew and their mum and their sisters. Chung Shin was basically running away from me. How evil of her??? Just kidding. No heart feelings if you're(Chung Shin) reading this. haha. I have to go for piano class now so, I'll be BACK in a few hours...muahahaha...Continuing about this building on a playing field!!!!
PS: I dislike piano. The practical part. haha.
Jonas Brothers

Love Them!