Wednesday, June 18, 2008

New names and kinda like Couples of the Year! haha

Okay, first we have new names:
1) Ho Li Drew
2) An Ho Li
3) Niya - not so new
4) Priren

Then, the couples of the year. Sorry only got two.
1) Andrew Chia and Ho Li Ann - Ho Li Drew
2) Niren Kumar and Priya Reshma - Niya

And the winner is!!!!!

Both of them!!!! hahaha

I was just joking. So NO HEART FEELINGS! haha

Next, is the things that happened in school today:
1) Chung Shin and Re Pli Ka lied to us that they are not staying back. Naughty, naughty.
2) Sheng Juen said idiOt(pronuncing the 'o' as 'o' instead of the 'o' as 'e'. haha
3) Andrew sweared that he liked, no loved Li Ann. Just kidding.
4) Some people broke Carissa's Tupperware bottle.
5) I was the ODD one. Lynette says so. But i think i was SPECIAL and KING-LIKE. Because i was the only one wearing Orchestra Uniform - excluding LkS.
6) We kinda liked SNEAKED into the primary school to have a look but there were so many other secondarians there too. haha
7) The 'Driving Queens' pitched a tent and played in it. haha
8) Andrew SNEAKED into Orchestra Club to see his future wife. haha
9) We forced Andrew to play the piano for us. WOW! He is good! He played very,very, very, i mean, very fast. haha
10) Carissa played the piano too. For the exam, she's playing all the exact same song as i am too! What a coincidence! haha

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