Friday, May 23, 2008

David Cook Is the Man!!!!!

Originality! Wanna know why he has AC on all of his guitars?? Here's why: David has an older brother, Adam who is fighting cancer so, that's why he has his brother's initials on all of his guitars!!! How thoughtful of him...

The FINALE! Cook won! Great!

The 2 Finalist!!!! Archie and Cook!

Top 6!

The Davids'! Cook vs. Archuleta!

The rocker and an ORIGINAL

I think they really enjoy themselves on AI

So sweet! I am not jealous don't worry! So Cute! lol

From NST...Cook's Cookin'!!!! lol

Another one..kinda

After 38.1 million votes, beating all the other AI's, David Cook has cooked AI!!! Now I still love David Archie but he's my second...My first is David Cook!!!!! He's a rocker and an original!!!!! I am G.L.A.D he won the title!!!!! Owh and remember only true fans can go GAGAGA DAVID COOK and the true fans are me, Sheng Juen and Tessa!!!! But i guess Tessa prefers Archuleta!!! Who cares??? They both rock!!!! haha... David Cook deserves it and Sheng Juen, Tessa and I are going to meet him!!!! Owh we he's great and if he creates an album, which i bet he will, I am going to buy it!!!!

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