Thursday, November 15, 2007

What a Day???Ending up in 2A where there's a lot of ABURRIDO GENTE....I'm NOT THOSE kind of people...

I was thinking and still am thinking...Why are the school authority so NOT SMART????Oooops, i just realised...haha...Anyway, how on Earth can they put all SMART people in the same class???It's just RIDICULOUS...Ooooh and DEFINITELY our grades will be much higher then other classes...haha...don't want to be a totally SHOW OF but it IS the truth...haha...No offence to the students who are in 2B, but 2B has NO competitors at ALL....TRISTEMENTE....LOL...It's just not FAIR....Anyway LIFE isn't FAIR...haha...As Michelle said, we are going to be dumb islands surrounded by genius water....And let's all just HOPE for the BEST....And for 2A students, we HAVE to beat the rest.....MESS WITH THE BEST, DIE LIKE REST.....Muahahahahahaha...

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Jonas Brothers
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